It didn’t feel like it yesterday battling across the moors through the hail, thunder and lightening but I braved the storm – safe in the knowledge that this was just a blip, a moment of meteorological madness – that would soon pass – Spring really is upon us.
Nature is good for us – it’s official
There are things in life that we just KNOW are good for us; vegetables, sleep, exercise, fresh air – it just makes sense. Then science comes along and validates our instincts and suddenly there’s no escaping the hectoring of well meaning advice offered up…
Is it me or is there just too much choice in the world? I’m constantly stupefied by the sheer array of options laid out before me – before I buy anything, before I choose a coffee; pick a place to stay, before I make any damned decision…
Storm warnings: keeping ahead of life’s downpours
Britain’s weather seldom provides any real reason for concern beyond an arched eyebrow or an audible sigh – so I’ve never taken much notice of those MET Office warnings, the three-staged colour code of yellow, orange and red…
EMCC International Conference: a delegate’s review
Mental toughness was the last thing on my mind as I pulled up at Chester University on a heady day in July, the sun was out, students lolloped – the stately surrounds offered luxury and…
What is Coaching? Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask
For as long as I’ve been coaching – and that’s well over a decade – I’ve been stuck for an answer when people ask – what is it that I do?